Friday, July 20, 2012

The Taboo of Big Cock

Happy Friday Fans!

I'm working on the next chapter of The Operative and should hopefully have it done in a week or two.

Today I'd like to briefly touch on the taboo of big cocks in my U.S. American culture.  It has always seemed strange to me that we don't acknowledge our collective obsession with male genetalia.  We have a huge porn industry focused on huge penises, a massive market for sham products like Enzyte to ostensibly make men bigger, and there are references to the impact of huge penis-size in countless examples of media.

Yet somehow, with all that being the case, when people talk face-to-face these things never come up.  We may share a little of our love or interest, but there is always an odd shyness and clipped quality to such speech.  Where it is addressed in detail it is always more for humor value than actual attraction.

I find it odd when you go back through history (in other countries, U.S. history is strikingly short) you can find a lot of interesting public rituals or myths in which penis size plays this much larger role. Take for instance, the story of Priapus, the greek god from which we derive the medical term "Priapism", or a pained and prolonged erection, one of the side effects of Viagra.  While the figure when carved or painted is clearly designed to be grotesque, there was certainly some fascination that would compel artists of that age to spend so much time on cock.

Samples from different countries in Africa, Asia, and most parts of Europe show an early obsession with big dicks and the men who bare them.

But then, it would be ignorant to assume that even with these representations that there wasn't taboo about size in those days as well. One oddly constant theme in the stories of oppressors is that the oppressed are frequently portrayed as being well-endowed.  Odd, when one considers the power or prowess we now tend to associate dick-size with, but everyone from Egyptians 4000 years ago to the black slave-trade of 200 years ago seems to always associate huge cocks as being the instruments of more bestial, savage, animalistic men, who, clearly need a master to step in and civilize them, huge cocks and all.

It's an odd double-standard at best.

I will leave you with two of my favorite quotes on the matter.  The first, I only learned about recently is from the Bible, and says,

"Ezekiel 23:19-20
19 Yet she turned to even greater prostitution, remembering her youth when she was a prostitute in Egypt.

20 She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey’s and emissions like those of a horse."

(So I guess God may be a size queen after all? Maybe I'm not going to hell...)

And the second is an old favorite of mine that I may have mentioned somewhere else before.

From Slaughterhouse 5, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.:

(of his main chatacter, Billy Pilgrim)  "He had a tremendous wang, incidentally.  You never know who will get one."  

It's true that you don't.  If you've been blessed with one.... hit me up.

Have a good weekend! 

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