Friday, July 27, 2012

Oh the Questions I Have!

A Fuckable Friday, Fans!

Work continues on a new chapter of "The Operative" though I don't have a clear picture yet of when I think I'll be done with it.

So I've been pretty steady with this little blog for a few months now, and I'm having a lot of fun with it.  It has been drawing new fans to my work who might not otherwise seek out erotica, it gives me a soap-box when I want one, and of course, it all just has a tendency of making me very wet, which is always graaaaaavy. 

But I have so many questions about how people stumble on my blog, and the stories of WHERE they hail from.

According to my demographics my top five countries in terms of readership are the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia.  That makes sense, this is an English-language blog, those are the big English speaking countries.

But what's the story with the rest of you? Fans from Chile, Saudi Arabia, Finland, Japan, Russia, Singapore, The Czech Republic, France, The Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Sweden, New Zealand, Spain, Israel and ESPECIALLY the curiously common visitation from the Island of Mauritus!  What is your story? How did you come to find my little blog? Why do you like it? What keeps you all coming back?

Please, any of you reading from any of the countries in the paragraph above, write me at I just want to get to know you.  It's exciting to have people from so many different places and I want to know what you're into and what your respective countries are like.  I'm utterly fascinated!

The other question my blog demographics leave me with is what search terms people have used to bring them to me.

For instance: Why do so many people spell my name "Veronica DEvine"?

Also: Whoever it was that typed the words "Veronica Divine Sucks Dick" into a search engine.  Were you mad at me? Or were you just stating a true fact: that I do in fact suck a lot of dick.

Also:  Whoever typed "Aaron Meatbat" into google and somehow found me: What were you actually looking for?

Also: Just today, who keeps typing things like this?  "Bulge My Throat With Your Cock Ball" and "Give me your dickbitch on facebook" What does that even mean? 

Write me.  I want your stories.  All of them.  I'm a very curious Size Queen!

Thanks all!

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