Saturday, January 16, 2016

Ripped in more ways than one.

Hey all, nothing super exciting to report other than that I've written most of a whole new novel you've never seen at all this month. I'm pretty pleased with myself, I'll admit, but not as smug as the gentleman ripping his jeans above.

But then, he deserves to be smug, doesn't he?


  1. This is very exciting news! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us! Keep up the great work

  2. Veronica, you would know me, perhaps, by the name DruulEmpire. I'm a little concerned because a site known as Epic Lust seems to have gotten knocked off, and I submitted some fiction there up through 2014. Big Tim D is now trying a little place called Epic Size Fetish, we'll see how that goes. Curiously enough, I wound up here seeking traces of the great Fu Monkey, and I'm pleased that you evidently commissioned art from him. Recently? Anyhow, I take some comfort in the idea that we share a certain perversity. Let me know if I can be of any help -- or perhaps you can point me in the direction of certain artists. Anything's possible. Happy belated 2016, Druul.

    1. Hey there! I remember your work and I quite liked it. I'd rather answer your questions via email so please drop me a line at and I'll talk fumonkey a Tim and anything else you want!

  3. Druul again -- by the way, we evidently both like KAZ! I've rooted for his Bill of the Beach for a long time, and he even seems to have made good on a suggestion or two of mine. I hope he can get back in the saddle soon. Cheers, Druul

    1. druul, finally found a way to contact you lol. i've also read your works and have been a fan. you and veronica both write in ways i enjoy. but since the fall of mister donehy's site i have not been able to read your one series about timothy grant. been missing it recently and am wondering if you have been adding to it in the years its been
