Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Further Delays in Wang Worship

Hey all, sorry I've been AWOL the last couple of weeks, I'm fighting with some desperate life circumstances and trying to finally get caught up on stories for you all.

I'm going to try to be back to regular blogging soon, but in the meantime, I'm wondering if any of you have a good bead on a cheap laptop?

I've been tapping away on this poor little beast for nearly 8 years now, and beyond the usual issues with aging and slowing, the "C" key on my keyboard has been seriously damaged from overuse.

It's almost like I write the words Cock and Cum and Cunt a whole fuck ton...

Anyway, I've got next to no money, but anything beats what I've got at this point, so if you have links or people to direct me towards, I'd be in your debt.



  1. If I wasn't in another country I'd say have my old one lol. Then again I did "give" it to my dad so he could dj...might have to double check if he still does that. He might be willing to part with it if I tell him I can get a dollar for it

  2. If the key issue is with it's board, one thing you could possibly do is get a cheap USB one. They usually run in the range of $5 to $15 dollars depending on how basic you're looking for.

  3. Have you considered something like paid Skype chats, or personalised stories? That way you can get the money for a medium range laptop rather than searching for a 2nd hand one.

  4. Vyrai kurie neturi ką veikti vienišais, liūdnais vakarais, o gal kaip tik nori paįvairinti savo seksualinį gyvenimą - gali patys pasigaminti dirbtinę vaginą namų sąlygomis. Dirbtinė vagina - pigus ir puikus realios makšties pakaitalas. Pasidarę, pasimeistravę tokią vaginą, gali laisvai žiūėti porno filmą ir mėgautis dirbtiniu pakaitalu, kuris, nors ir neatstoja moters, tačiau yra pakankamai kokybiškas ir malonus pakaitalas. Iš patirties galiu pasakyti juk dirbtinė vagina smagiau nei darbuotis kumščiu. ;) Taigi, nėra reikalo ieškotis moters ir leisti jai pinigų - nusipirk dvi kempines, gumies pirštines ar prezikus ir kavospuodelį ir meistrauk makštį. Užtruksi 5 min o malonumą galėsi jausti kasdien, na kol kempines nesutrinsi. ;) Jokeas!!! :)))))
