9:10 AM me: languishes on my throne,
handmaidens surrounding me at each corner, awaiting this night's entertainment
to be brought before me
9:11 AM Fan: the
royal throne room door bursts open, and several female guards walk in pulling
me on a wooden cart, muscles gleaming in oil, long brown hair flowing, bulging
pecs bouncing in the oil slicked gleam
9:12 AM me: sits up a little, taking
interest What have we here, Fatima? I ask the head guard escorting you
9:13 AM Fan: Fatima:
My most well endowed queen of all the Earth, we have a special treat for you
and your maidens, a gift from the King of Sparta...
9:14 AM at this point the court of comely ladies begin to notice the
rather large, ulp...bulge on the well muscled hunk
9:15 AM me: Ahhhh a spartan! I've heard of
their prowess in battle, but I'd never thought I'd see one up close. points
to the bulge the others notice is that truly him? or some ceremonial
codpiece they wear?
9:18 AM Fan: The King
said that this aspect of the 'gift' was what he hoped you would notice. I
cannot say for certain, for I would have to feel it, may I?
9:19 AM around the court, women strain and crane their necks to
me: intruiging. Bring him close. As
the guards escort you from the cart and place you on my dias, I abruptly settle
the matter by grabbing the leather loincloth and simply lifting
9:21 AM Fan: a
loud lusty gasp goes up from the audience
Fatima - My Queen, it is...sooo thick...
9:22 AM How could such a mere mortal, be built so like...like a demi
me: It is! ponts to a maiden
Hold it next to my ankle, see how he compares!
9:23 AM Fan: licking
her eager young lips the young maiden dashes foreward, hesitating, ever so
slightly as she reaches out and begins to grab the monstrous thick organ
the Spartan finally speaks
9:24 AM Hum...you Egyptian woman have soft hands, milady.
me: mine are softer...if we deem you
worthy of me you shall get to feel them.
Fan: the young
woman tenderly motions for the Spartan stud to crouch down, his organ finally
being able to be laid agains the Queens foot
9:25 AM me: oooo his balls are warm...and
enormous..points to another maiden Go fetch some goose eggs, I must see
how he compares!
Fan: While
she is gone, my Queen and mistress, perhaps I should inform you as to my
special Spartan Training...
9:26 AM My king said you would become...most wet upon hearing it :)
Two eager young maidens have left to fetch the goose eggs
me: yes, please...OH he is THICKER
Than my ankle, isn't he? My MY this one is well equipped!
9:27 AM please share your talents with us, Spartan.
9:30 AM Fan: When I
was about 12, my mother began to notice my special gifts developing...as you
can see, I was a big bigger than most.
9:32 AM me: I see, I see...Arise spartan, I
want to compare you to my forarm.
9:34 AM Fan: I was
subjected to seven years of the most instense, pleasurable training possible to
increase my stamina, length, thickness and semen production.
9:35 AM arises, presenting my semi-hard cock for your royal
9:36 AM me: I must have the spartan king share
these secrets with me, I did not know one could increase these things. Grasps
your cock, my hand as soft as a cloud Oh MY goodness, the gods themselves
would indeed envy such a member! Look handmaidens, he is not hard yet and
already surpasses my wrist to my elbow!
9:39 AM Fan: maidens,
giggle, gasp and oogle with naked raw lust
My Queen he is as long as a horse...!
As thick as a donkey, my loving Queen!
It is not hard yet? By the Gods!
9:40 AM Me: Your royal hand feels good on my mighty cock, My
Mistress and queen.
9:42 AM me: Grins You describe your
cock as "Mighty" do they teach you such arrogance in your training,
or do you come by it naturally? Come her maidens, place your hands on him
too...let us see how many of us can fit a hand on him at once!
9:45 AM Fan: I have
been trained to posess on of the most incredible cocks in the known world, one
only worth of Queen Cleopatra, I welcome the hands of your maidens, may they
find pleasure grasping my thickness.
9:46 AM one by one the warm, soft, enveloping hands of Cleopatra's
eager maidens descend up the Spartan's rapidly rising member
Oh, my Queen, is it possible? It appears to be growing, with
only two sets of hands already on it!
Let me add mine! slides her hands down the shaft as well
9:47 AM me: Grins as the egg-maidens return
to the room, approaching the dias
Fan: I
place my hands on my hips and smile, broadly, as FOUR paids of hands now wrap
around, and stimulate my organ
9:48 AM me: my word he has the cock of a BULL
does he not? This is truly impressive!
Thomas Marcus....would gazing upon the royal breasts naked
aid in your stimulation?
9:51 AM Fan: My
Queen, it would be a supreme honor to enlarge myself fully, to pleasure you
with the sight of my tumescent cock standing for you. Please, release your most
excellent bossom...
me: raises an eyebrow as a maiden
comes to remove my torque and breastpiece, letting massive Q cups dangle free,
truly queen-sized breasts
9:52 AM lift his cock, maidens, I wish to observe hs balls Takes
the goose eggs, pairing them in my right palm and extending the left for your
9:57 AM Fan: *at last
my thick cock stands at a pulsing 10 and 1/2 inches before you..I take a step
foreward to offer my balls for your hand, your ever-obedient maidens gleem and
smile as they lift my heavy cock out of the way so you may properly reach my
bloated balls
9:58 AM My balls are known to contain a very special cream...
9:59 AM me: I do not doubt it* Gasps as I palm
them* Indeed, bigger than the goose eggs by far!
10:00 AM points to the woman to my right Thomas, I order you to cram that as far down her throat as
you can. Do not worry for her discomfort, I must see what it looks like being
used that way for myself.
10:02 AM Fan: I shall
madam, but first I have been instructed, upon revealing my pillar of flesh, and
swelling it to it's full erect size, to give you a special gift. May I please
give it to you?
10:04 AM It is regarding your breasts madam...
me: You may leans back, curious
10:05 AM Fan: reaches
around and pulls out ornate, decorated glass jar
me: a lotion?
Fan: Please
hold this infront of the tip of my cock hands jar to maiden, who does so
Very special lotion, just watch my beautiful quee,...
me: does as yo ucommand
10:06 AM Fan: begins
to slowly, tauntingly, run my hand tightly up and down the full pulsating
length of my horse cock
Part of my increased semen training had the side effect of
increaseing this...
me: purses my lips with great
10:07 AM Fan: pearly
white THICK drops of pre-cum begin to pool at the immense tip of my cock
Yes...so thick...
the drops begin to collect in the jar...slowly filling it
up, all the while both my muscled arms pump my cock in front of you
10:08 AM Finally I stop, placing my arms back at my side
It is full, almost over the edge my Queen, please rub this
pre-cum offering on your mountainous breasts,
I think you will find it...most pleasurable...
And good for your skin...
10:09 AM A gift, your majesty.
10:10 AM me: Thank you, I shall partake of this
cock-honey while you do as I have ordered. Ruin her. purrs and rubs it in,
tasting a little and beaming, sharing it with my handmaidens
10:13 AM Fan: As you
command... turns and grabs the now panting slur by the side of her head
Take it bitch! shoves six full THICK inches of cockmeat inside her mouth and
partway down her throat
10:14 AM me: plays with my nipples as I
watch, another hand reaching down to strum at my clit
10:16 AM Fan:
Uhh...UHHH... grunting and bucking I work more thick cock meat in her mouth,
savoring the pleasure
You enjoy, my Queen? Enjoying watching my ravish one of your
wet little maids?
thrusts hips violently, shoving an incrediable about of
shaft in her poor strained mouth
10:17 AM me: Oh see how her throat bulges!
Fan: drool
and precum dribble to the ground in a huge puddle as I fuck her face
me: How does she feel Thomas? Are you
and your huge cock enjoying yourselve? Points to another maiden Lick up
the mess! And you! Suck his balls!
10:19 AM Fan: Yes my
Queen, she is really under pressure...my cock is so magnificantly sucked by her
tight little mouth!
It is like Athena herself is bathing my cock meat in her
10:20 AM watches, aroused as one of your slutty maidens slurps up my
precum mixture off the floor
me: HARDER! I want her voice left a
bare whisper when you are done with her!
Fan: Now that
is very hot...
10:21 AM roars with superhuman stamina, muscles bulging, sweat
beading, my hot sculpted buttocks flexing as I begin the very deep, very hard
fucking of your maiden's throat
10:22 AM Argh!!! So hard so shove it in past the 9 inch mark...so
fucking hot and tight and wet....Oh gods!
the hot wet slap of my full balls on her neck and chin fill
the hall
10:23 AM me: purs in pleasure, seeming to
have cum myself, though concealing it Yesss...Tell me Fan, how big is your
cock exactly?
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