Hey all, response to this blog has been extremely light as of late and my posts have been light in kind. I plan to keep it open (at least until site standards are adjusted again and they take stuff like this down) and us it to mention when I have new releases out and other instances of big importance, but I won't be doing regular updates.
That being said, I have a brand spanking (there is some spanking in there!) new book up on Amazon I hope you'll all consider picking up a copy of. If you leave a review and rate it, hit me up at veronicadivineff@gmail.com and I'll see what I can do to reward you. (rewards might contain spanking too.)
The Hung Games <----------------------------------
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Meat Hugh Johnson
Hey all, this Dutch hottie is the writer who I've talked about (figuratively, maybe someday literally if I'm very lucky) getting into bed with. He contacted me on my rarely checked Fetlife page and one thing led to another with me just mesmerized by that mammoth member of his.
If you want to see it in action he's got some videos here:
as well as his own nascent blog here: http://thirdlegproduction.tumblr.com/
And he does some of that tweeting thing as well:
- http://www.twitter.com/hughjohnsonxxx
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Technical Dickaculties
https://vimeo.com/159994876 <---------------------------
Hey all, at long last here is that new video of the old horse-cock stud I promised. : Love his glorious size and power, not to mention all the noises his companion makes! I wonder what notes he'd make me hit with that thing...
Other exciting things are happening:
I'm writing a lot of commissions at the moment. This means some of the story series you want to see more of will get pushed back while I attack paid work first, but don't fret, they will get finished in time and more pay just generally means I'll write faster over all.
I might be getting a little blurb in a book and an occasional guest spot on a blog run by an extraordinarily well-hung man. Whether I get the gig or not I will be linking to his sites sometime soon because a dick like his is definitely worth a good long look, whether it fills you with lust or makes you tremble with envy it's a marvel.
I finally got patreon supporters this month's rewards, sorry to all of you for how long it took, hope you enjoy the fifty pages of smut!
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Hey all, I'm sorry I've been quiet. I've been sick for a week. I'll try to get a ton done fast when I'm better.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
An Old Huge Friend
Hey all, things have been good the last couple of weeks, but very very busy, sorry it's keeping these posts slower. My publisher is being slow with new books but I'll be sure to let you know whenever they're out. Also, to Patreon subscribers, I'm sorry I'm still slow with rewards this month, but I will get them to you ASAP, I just don't want to send unfinished stuff.
Now, the cock above may look familiar, it was the one revealed to me by that incredible stud who I did one of my last ever Wang-Worship-Wednesdays about. He's special because of people that have reached out to me because of my writing, he's the biggest 100% confirmed specimen. A cock his size bestows on him a lot of special privileges when it comes to me. He gets to call me mean names (and actually have me enjoy it when he does) he gets to distract me from my writing on occasion, and he gets to have me show him off and brag about him here. He recently came to me with a new video he approved for others to view, I would like to share it with you all.
Hmm, due to technical difficulties I can't seem to upload the new one I had in mind. Here's a teaser in the form of an older video he sent and I'll try to have the real thing up soon..
Bye for now, studs.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Ripped From The Giving Headlines!
Oof! It's been a long couple of weeks, but I've finally caught up a lot on projects. For one thing, my lucky Patreon supporters have now received a copy of my new novel, "The Hung Games" It's almost a hundred and twenty pages of dense smut. If you're curious you can check out the first chapter on literotica.
I've also completed the first of the custom stories for patreon supporters which will be part of the slate for next month's content and probably eventually part of a short story collection. Congratulations to the winner of the second custom story slot (name with-held by request) I've got the order in for his story and should be starting it soon. He's one of my "big" fans, so this one's going to a bit more biographical than my usual work.
I'm hoping to have more Harem of Vanity out soon and also some new chapters of Frances Haddon's Pillow book. I hope you all will consider going and check it out!
Lastly, by special request a fan wanted my opinion on the following picture:
On the one hand, it's a little uncanny valley, particularly in terms of her facial expression, but I like the comparison, love the way those balls fill her hand up, and the girth on the bull-cock is really nice.
But Ronnie, you're burying the lead! What about the races!?
Well, what can I say? I don't believe we live in a post-racial society by any measure, and I don't claim to be color blind, but I do like just about anything that challenges stereotypes. My own experience with black cock has showed me that just like white meat, it can be huge, it can be average, it can be small. While it can seem like there's a slightly positive edge to the BBC stereotype, the reality is that it ends up being tremendously detrimental to the psyche of many men who believe they all have to be Lexington Steele to measure up. Great book on it if you're ever interested, Hung: A Meditation on the measure of black men in America
It's interesting how particularly the cuckolding community of fetishists has so strongly tied its identity to huge black cocks that images like this immediately smack of a notable role-reversal whereas in the real world all big dicks are incredible outliers regardless of the race they come out of.
Well, that was a long and boring soap-box essay! Would you like me to write one for an image you have in mind? Feel free to send me links or pictures you'd like to see judged in future blog posts, just write me at veronicadivineff@gmail.com I always love to hear from you guys!
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Hey all! Sorry I've been so busy lately, just wanted to tackle a couple of things:
1. For now, I'm not going to discontinue the Patreon. A large number of the patrons wrote to tell me they wanted me to keep it up, but I do want to make it clear that if you were contributing because I might have needed it to live off of, you can feel free to cancel your subscription, it's now in the category of "extra" money. If it ever gets large enough to support myself on, that's wonderful, but for now it's just a way of encouraging me to keep up the good work.
2. I'm a little late on the Patreon awards for this month. Sorry about that,but they are coming. I just really want to finish a couple of pieces I'm sending out for them so no one feels short-changed.
I think that's it! Happy weekend!
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Shameful Confessions
First of all, one of my fans and a fellow smut author (Who I assume is hung at least as big as the gentleman pictured above) is working on a pretty excellent huge-cock choose-your-own-adventure story over at Chyoa, and I think you all should check it out: https://chyoa.com/story/
Now you might think of me as a busy, jet-setter type, and to some extent you might be right. Unfortunately,I'm also exactly the sort of person who can spend twenty minutes arguing with an obvious bot just to see what they'll say, so you know, maybe I'm not that cool after all.
- curvywettreat2010: Are you busy??
- Me: Are you stupid?
- curvywettreat2010: Hiya, thanx for adding me...i had your username saved from a long time ago, are you on any dating sites?
- Me: Are you a fucking moron? Do you think I have trouble meeting partners? Do you know who I fucking am?
- curvywettreat2010: can't really remember how i got your ID.. but recently i got out of a relationship and i was hitting up guys and i thought were sexy lol...so u single?
- Me: I'm not a fucking guy. My name is fucking VERONICA. What makes you think I have a penis?
- curvywettreat2010: Jenny
- curvywettreat2010: well either way its fine with me
BUT,are you into redhead chicks?
- Me: No. I like burly guys with big huge cocks, and I don't care if they're red-headed, blonde or bald.
- curvywettreat2010:
http://imgur.com/heJDV93xthere's a picture i uploaded last night, you like?
- Me: No. You look like a wet raccoon that got fucked by a plunger, rubber end first.
- curvywettreat2010: mhhm nice and wet lol
- Me: I had no idea you would be into abuse like that.
- curvywettreat2010: i love to feel sexy...where would you like me to put these pretty red lips??
- Me: Into a running garbage disposal?
- curvywettreat2010: haha bad boy! let me put on my computer cam for you 1 sec..are you on camplayground?
- Me: No, I don't watch cams with girls when I could be wrapping my lips around a huge fat cock.
- curvywettreat2010: i love it babe, i wish urs was here so I can grab on it
- curvywettreat2010: make me your bitch
- Me: Okay, send me ten thousand dollars in bearer bonds and I will.
- curvywettreat2010: gotohttp://u0g0WnnD.nigxhtflurt.comx if you go there it should connect you to mywbcam better not recordme! lol
- Me: Record you? Bitch, I don't enjoy you the FIRST time around!
- curvywettreat2010: this is only for YOU lol..after your in let me know your username so that i can add to you my friends list
- Me: Do you have a list of people who want you dead? Can I be on it?
- curvywettreat2010: its probably gonna ask you for a credit card to sign up for the app but its free babe, its just for age verifying. Im wearing almost nothing and I dont want any kids watching me lol
- Me: I'm 12.
- curvywettreat2010: k... Let me know when you're in babe, you should see my cam on
- Me: Okay. Just to be safe, hold your breath until I show up. If you see a white light I'd probably just head for it if I were you.
- curvywettreat2010: yeah i can be a tease
- Me: Bye
- curvywettreat2010: Well if you must leave... tell ya what if ya want to see me later on my cam goto http://0t0TWmH5V.nightfxlurt.com just accept my cam invite.. Its Fast and easy.. we'll prolly be online for the rest of the day so you can go and see me on my cam. Take care
- Me: Die in a fire inside a spider warehouse.
- curvywettreat2010: hmmm I'm so wet lol ok I see u connecting, I'm gonna put on my outfit now, Just type here or in the chat when u can see me undressing
4:31 AM
- Me: Die in two fires.
- curvywettreat2010: k.. xoxo
Monday, February 1, 2016
Apologetic Ball-Sucking!
Hey all, I'm so sorry I've been quiet. You do know I like to keep my mouth full, but that's no excuse, the real reason is a bit of good news! I've had a promising nibble on the day job front and the company in question has really been putting me through my paces.
If I get this job, I will likely discontinue my "Until I find a day-job" Patreon, but DON'T Worry! If you are one of the current subscribers, I will work to ensure everyone at the to tier now still gets their custom story in the year to come. In other words, this is your last chance to sign on for that to get my work at a fraction of the price I write commissions at.
But as usual, no pressure, In other news, I continue to write up a storm. I've got a new collection of short stories coming out soon (Patreon subscribers have already read the new stuff in it) and I'm nearly done with another couple of novels from there. Have fun all! Stay in trouble!
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Ripped in more ways than one.
Hey all, nothing super exciting to report other than that I've written most of a whole new novel you've never seen at all this month. I'm pretty pleased with myself, I'll admit, but not as smug as the gentleman ripping his jeans above.
But then, he deserves to be smug, doesn't he?
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Somehow, suddenly, the latest smartphone just doesn't seem that impressive does it?
Oh what's that? Your new I-Phone 6S has faster processing speed and better image stabilization? I don't care, I'll be sucking this giant cock.
Hm? Your amazing Android 6P can give you a selection of thousands of apps? Is there an app to give you a cock like the one above? No? Then I';m afraid I'll just be over here sucking this giant cock.
Microsoft Lumia 640 XL?
I'll stick with my Macro-hard long 11" XXXXL thank you very much.
As technology gets more advanced, it's always nice to reflect upon the fact that the human spirit will always reign supreme, and when I say "Human Spirit" I of course mean, "Giant Cock."
Which I will be sucking.
That will be all.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Pants Magic
No picture today because I feel even I'm not crass enough to post one just now, but I wanted to give a strange remeberence for a super star.
You can not imagine how much it made a young soon-to-be Size Queen girl's heart leap to see the real star of Jim Henson's labyrinth in action.
I am of course speaking of David Bowie's magnificent penis, clearly visible in the pants he is wearing in the "Dance Magic" musical number. Some miraculous combination of short puppets that necessitated low camera shots gave us all the view needed to see male anatomy for the first time.
Very male, because in addition to being hot and heterchromatic David Bowie was also clearly very well endowed. I might have been writing stories in my head about that being the feature that made him goblin king long before my penchant for size was even realized.
Rest in peace, David Bowie.
You can not imagine how much it made a young soon-to-be Size Queen girl's heart leap to see the real star of Jim Henson's labyrinth in action.
I am of course speaking of David Bowie's magnificent penis, clearly visible in the pants he is wearing in the "Dance Magic" musical number. Some miraculous combination of short puppets that necessitated low camera shots gave us all the view needed to see male anatomy for the first time.
Very male, because in addition to being hot and heterchromatic David Bowie was also clearly very well endowed. I might have been writing stories in my head about that being the feature that made him goblin king long before my penchant for size was even realized.
Rest in peace, David Bowie.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
He Made Your Wife A Size Queen
Hey everybody, I hope the weekend is treating you all well! One of my fans runs an extremely hot blog over at "I Made Your Girl a Size Queen"
It's been very inspiring for me lately, and raises an interesting question: Are Size Queens made or born?
Certainly we all love stories about the proud or innocent woman meeting her first truly big dick, and that becomes a transformative experience, reducing her to a big cock-owned slut or nymphomaniac, but obviously that does live somewhere in fantasy.
Are some of us just born with deeper cunts or gag-less throats and we find ourselves gravitating towards size because it pleases us more, or we're better at handling it so those men gravitate towards us? Maybe, but again, that seems simplistic.
I'd like to believe the truth lives somewhere in the middle. There are probably tons of secret size queens whose true nature is so buried under layers of cultural shaming or the desire to be good to the less well-endowed that when finally exposed to a big cock, and more importantly allow their love of big cock to run free and carry them away, These are the girls who create the illusion of the first group... it isn't that all of us are ready or even able to experience such a conversion, only that a select few create the illusion.
I'd love to hear the big boy's take on this. If you're hung, what's the ratio of girls to run to the ones who seem much more aroused that you're big?
Thursday, January 7, 2016
And The Lucky Weiner is...
Hey all, first some business, the winner of the first Patreon custom-story reward is Karl Hungus. He has been contacted and gave me details for the story he'd like to see. He's pretty sharp and I think it's gonna be a scorcher! I'll be selecting the next lucky custom-story recipient in early February.
My Patreon
Now I don't know who submitted the above picture to my fan-group years ago, but as far as cocks go this one has a LOT going for it. I mean, on some level it's just kind of a big ugly hunk of meat (and on another that's just even hotter) but on another it's got obvious length and girth that makes me quiver. I like the way it's kind of "headless" not just uncircumsized but also equally wide all the way down instead of bulging out at the tip. While some of it is definitely a trick of the camera angle, I love the illusion this creates of it hanging all the way down to just above the knee. Of course we are deprived of a look at his balls, which always makes me a little sad, but that lets my imagine run wild that they're proportionate to his cock. I might just have to work my head under there and have a look-see now mightn't I.....?
Servicing undercarriage was my specialty in the mechanic school I completely made up and didn't actually attend. But there were a lot of hot mechanics there, so it's fine.
See you dearies again soon!
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Rewarding Big Men
I've certainly heard it said: Size is not an accomplishment. Why place all this praise and value on men of above-average endowment? Today I'm putting on my fantasy bitch hat instead of giving my real answer.
Because it feels better.
Because there is nothing that looks as majestic as a giant cock descending towards your face, your breasts, your cunt.
Because it's the raw measure of masculinity; put a big boy next to a small one and watch the little one shrink up every time.
Because I want it.
Because huge cock carries a bunch of paradoxes with it. It's something big that fits somewhere small. It can make me feel more pleasure than anything else, while hurting at the same time. It's my ultimate reward and my ultimate punishment.
Because I want to go farther for big dicks. I want to be nastier, speak nastier, do nastier things to please it.
Because I'm always going to be big-cock owned whether I want to be or not.
I'd say I'm sorry to all the little boys out there with your small-to-average peens...
...But I'm not.
And by the way, if any of you haven't been kind enough to go and vote up my stories (where you think they're worth it) in a while on literotica, I'd super appreciate it.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
On Brown Liquors
I was recently talking scotch with one of my fans (can't imagine why brown liquor is on my mind, hmmmm....) and have come to realize that unfortunately I'm a poor girl with expensive tastes. Since I can't afford my beloved Lagavulian or Johnny Walker Green these days, what do you all recommend that has a nice smokey taste one can get on a budget?
Would be a pity if I didn't have *something* to lick off of all that glorious meat, now wouldn't it?
Saturday, January 2, 2016
And a Cockslappy new Year!
Hey all, sorry for the gap in posts over the last few days. I haven't gone away again, I just got tied up away from the computer and couldn't get back to it. I've gotten some marvelous suggestions from a lot of you about things to update about in the coming year, and while I welcome more, I do have enough to go on for now. Here's wishing you all the best!
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